Welcome to St. John’s!

That’s how we want you to feel here at St. John’s Sinking Spring – Welcome!

Thank you so much for stopping by our website today. We are glad you found us here online and we hope that you allow us to connect with you, as together we walk life’s journey with Christ.

There is a lot of information here on our website. Look around. Get to know us a bit. Consider joining us for Sunday worship at 9:00am. You can also watch our worship services online.

We are an informal bunch, so if you are in the area, please come out and be a part of our Sunday morning worship service. If you are hungry for a touch from God and desire to grow closer to Jesus, St. John’s Sinking Spring may be the perfect place for you. Please come join us!

Welcome to Saint John's?

Really...we mean that.

You are welcome here.  

St. John's is a 200+ year old Lutheran congregation that is proudly rooted in the traditions and legacy of our past, while we progressively push forward to meet the spiritual needs of today.  

Here's a quote from our 2016 Mission and Vision declaration:

We, Saint John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, are disciples of Jesus Christ; a community of faithful people who, by God’s gift of grace alone, are free to orient our lives around Jesus’ commandment to love God with all our heart, all our soul, and all our mind; and to love our neighbors as ourselves.

Centered on God’s love for all people we endeavor for our church to be a glimpse of the kingdom of heaven where imperfect people are perfectly loved, welcomed and where all people matter to God.  In consort with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, we are doing God’s Work with Our Hands.  

Put simply...

We worship. We learn. We serve. We care.

That's it!  That's our mission!

Young or Old, Poor or Rich, Abled or Disabled, LGBTQ or Straight, Republican or Democrat, Saint or Sinner...all are welcome to join us in this mission.  

Join us!

Quickly visit each section by clicking the links below.

Directions/Community Map     Video Tour    FAQs

Quick Links

New? Start Here   |   Our Faith   |   We Serve   |   We Care   |   We Worship   |   We Learn

Where to find us.

We are located at 4125 Penn Avenue, Sinking Spring, PA 19608

Video Tour

Coming soon...Please check back later to view a tour of St. John's!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are our services like?

We worship joyfully. With roots in out Lutheran tradition, we are made new in our experience of God's presence among us in music, preaching, prayer, communion and baptism. All are welcome!

How long do our services last?

Our services last approximately one hour.

What is our style of worship?

Worship: A foundation of faith for everything we do (from the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America)

For Lutherans, worship stands at the center of our life of faith. Through God’s word, water, bread and prayer we are nurtured in faith and sent out into the world. Connected with and central to everything we do, worship unites us in celebration, engages us in thoughtful dialogue and helps us grow in faith. It grounds us in our Christian and Lutheran roots, while demonstrating practical relevance for today’s world. While some of the approaches to worship may differ from one ELCA congregation to another, we hold certain things in common. Central to our worship life is the presence of God through word and sacrament. The word proclaimed and the sacraments —both Holy Baptism and Holy Communion — are called the means of grace. We believe that Jesus Christ is present in these means through the power of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes we describe worship as a “gathering around the means of grace.” There is also a basic pattern for worship among Lutherans. We gather. We encounter God’s word. We share a meal at the Lord’s table. And we are sent into the world. But we do not think about worship so much in terms of what we do. Worship is fundamentally about what God is doing and our response to God’s action. Worship is an encounter with God, who saves us through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

What is the typical attire?

Come as you are! Dress is a personal matter and can be formal or casual, in any style you dress out of love for God.

Children and Youth Amenities?

There is a comfortable nursery with toys and a changing area that may be used by families during services. There are also two sections in the back within the sanctuary with soft toys, comfortable flooring and rocking chairs.  We have a Youth room, children's library, and much more. A Children's Sermon is offered by Deacon Diana at every worship service.  Ages Pre-K to 3rd Grade are welcome to join us. We offer Children's Church each Sunday during the worship service, where children get to hear the Word of God and theme of the day at their own level with crafts and teaching.   Structured games, activities, crafts and music will all be part of the fun.

Don't forget to bring your friends!

Refreshment and Fellowship?

The Welcoming Place is designed for members and non-members to socialize after worship—it is located just outside our Fellowship Hall on the middle level of the church. We encourage you to stay after worship, or stop in while the kids are in Sunday School.  There is self-serve coffee, other drinks and snacks available to enjoy every Sunday. Looking forward to seeing you there!! Walking impaired, reserved parking is available. We have ramps, an elevator, and large print bulletins and hymnals.

Parking and drop off?

We have two convenient parking lots and a drop off location for each level of the church.

How do I become a member?

Please let the church office know you are interested in membership by calling 610-678-1088.Prior to membership, we welcome you to participate in all activities at St. John's. Contact the church office to get your name on the mailing list for the newsletter.Please check out our opportunities to serve under "calendar"