At Saint John's, We Worship

With our soul WE WORSHIP joyfully. With roots in tradition, we are made new in our experience of God's presence among us in music, preaching, prayer, communion and baptism.

We gather in-person, in our sanctuary, at 9:00 am. 


Worship Volunteer Schedule

Two Sacraments

Holy Baptism

We baptize at any age.  Infants, children and youth are baptized with parental consent and instruction. We believe baptism is the entrance into the universal Christian church, and that God's Word is present in the water to grant forgiveness of sin and the promise of eternal life. 

Holy Communion

We worship with holy communion on the first and third Sundays each month, as well as days of church festival celebration.  We believe the bread and the wine/juice become for us the real presence of Christ.  How?  This is a mystery.  We believe the sacrament grants us grace sufficient enough to follow Jesus in ministry, and the assurance of our salvation along the way.  We also believe Jesus welcomes everyone to his table—no exceptions! Small children who have not received communion instruction are welcome to receive a blessing.

Children are welcome in worship

Children's Chapel

Each Sunday, children from Pre-K to grade 4 are invited to a special program during the worship service.  During the Gathering Hymn the kids are escorted by trained adult volunteers to our "Children's Chapel".  While there they hear the same gospel message, but in an age-appropriate manner.   

Children's Message

Each Sunday a message specifically for the children is incorporated into the worship service.  Those in Children's Chapel return to the sanctuary in time for this.  

Children's Play Spaces

The rear of our sanctuary includes two sections that are designated specifically for parents who would like to play with their little ones while remaining in the sanctuary. 



Our choir leads the worship singing and offers an anthem to the Glory of God each Sunday, from Fall through Spring. The choir is led by Arlene Moll. Solos and small ensembles are used during the summer months. The Choir’s repertoire includes music that ranges from traditional to contemporary Christian. The Choir rehearses on Thursdays at 7:00 pm. To inquire about singing in the choir please contact Arlene.

Worship Band

We are starting up a Worship Band in which all voices and instruments are welcome. For more information, please contact Arlene Moll. See out Contact Page


At Saint John's, the primary instrument of music for worship has always been and will always be the voices of the congregation raised in praise and thanksgiving to God.